Sunday, November 29, 2009

Prayer of the Church for Thanksgiving

Prayer of the Church


November 26, 2009

P Gracious and merciful Lord, Your gift of all that we need to support body and life is new to us each day. Receive our thanks and praise for daily bread that comes from Your loving hand.

We are grateful for the gifts You give us from Your work of creation and Your continuing work to care for us and all You have made. Bless and prosper the harvest in our land at this time of the year and all year long. Suppress the spread of disease among animals, and provide health and strength to the crops, that weather, flooding, drought, and parasites may not hinder the bounty You give from being a blessing far beyond the farms and ranches where our food is grown and raised.

In this land of plenty, help us to remember those who are unable to provide for themselves. Teach us to use all of Your blessings to serve those You have entrusted to us according to our vocations. Remind us of the importance of sharing our material wealth, our time, our skills and talents, our possessions, and the wisdom of Your Holy Word. Grant us thankful hearts, observant minds, and generous action to care for our neighbors in need.

Protect and defend all those who protect and defend Your people. We ask Your blessing upon the leaders of the world that they may provide for the common good of all. We pray for peace among nations and within nations. Where there are wars and rumors of wars, grant understanding that leads to peace. Grant courage and resolve to leaders who reluctantly take up the sword in self-defense of their people or to liberate others. Send Your holy angels to protect Your Christian people according to Your promise. Watch over police, state troopers, those serving in our national guard, and all who serve in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard, both active duty and reserve.

Bless us with health and healing according to Your good and gracious will. We remember before You all who are sick, suffering, hospitalized, facing surgery, recovering, or struggling with chronic pain (especially __________). Grant comfort and peace in Christ to those who are near death. Give peace to all who mourn, that through the consolation of Your Word, they may hold fast to Your promise of the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting.

Your care for us, O Father, is more than just tending to our physical needs. You provide for all of our needs of both body and soul in the sacrificial death and victorious Resurrection of Your Son, Jesus Christ. May we return to You our thanks and praise for Your Holy Word, Holy Baptism, Holy Absolution, and Holy Communion, the fruits of Your Son's Holy and innocent suffering and death. We thank You for the gift of the holy Church and the Office of the Holy Ministry. For all Your blessings, grant us grateful hearts this day, this week, and our whole life long.

Bless all who commune this day with You by means of Your Son's Body and Blood given and shed for our forgiveness, that the unity we have in Him may be nourished and strengthened.

O Lord, You alone provide us daily bread, even without our prayers. Help us to remember this and thus receive our daily bread with prayerful thanksgiving; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.

C Amen.

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